Thursday, February 7, 2013

Lenten Resolutions

Sometimes, people think of Lent as a time of repenting, doing without, and sadness. You know what? That could be correct. Later, maybe I'll delve into that a bit more.

Lent can be a kind of "do-over" in ones relationship with God... perhaps not so much a do-over, as a "DO" in some cases. In other words, if you're feeling a bit strained or distant from God, it is because you moved away, not Him.   Personally, God and I are still close, but I am ready for some concentrated focus on whatever God lays on my heart. Some people make New Year's resolutions - not me. I'm always completely involved in Christmas at that point and just don't have the right mindset to take such things seriously. But a month later, I've finally put away Christmas, or mostly, and like clockwork, an internal tug begins, a need for re-focusing. It's as if the distractions are gone and I realize that there's something missing.

At New Years, people often decide to focus on various self-improvement needs - lose weight, save more money, organize ...  I admit it - I've had the goal to "organize my life and discard clutter" almost every year the past 40 years. Considering it's an annual goal - how well do you suppose I've done with it? No, I don't make this resolution on New Year's Day.. or is it Eve?  I don't even know when you're SUPPOSED to make the goals! LOL

Lent is the time before Easter, 7 weeks which are often spent reflecting on what God has done for us. Others might look inward and see how far they are from where they feel God wants them, that then they repent. Some just give up something for Lent because that's just what they do.  But to me, Lent is a time I seem to combine the idea of a New Year's resolution with a focus on my faith-walk.  This year, I've already been working on it, starting a tad bit early. Oh well... Somehow, I'm not thinking that God minds. My hope is that as the weeks pass, I can tap into some insight, coming out stronger at the end.

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